Attic Air Whole House Fans
A whole house fan draws outside air in through your screened windows and doors and blows it out through your attic. The result is a mild cooling breeze that can lower skin temperature by 2 to 8 degrees at a much lower cost than traditional air conditioning. Whole house fans also provide an excellent supplement to both window and central air conditioning solutions.
A whole house fan can save you money!
Whole house fans are practical and affordable and provide natural air-conditioning. Whole house fans work well when outside temperature is below 82 degrees Fahrenheit. If you already have air-conditioning, a whole house fan can be used to thoroughly ventilate the house before the air-conditioning is turned on. This reduces air-conditioning operating time and related costs. And it often is used in lieu of air conditioning entirely.
Whole house fans are an excellent solution for homes where stale air is an issue. These fans provide a continuous flow of fresh air, greatly improving the air quality throughout the year.
Here’s how it works
Whole house fans are typically centrally located in a hallway. The fan itself is concealed by a ceiling grill that opens and closes automatically.