Salute to Veterans 2019
SIGNS YOU MAY NEED TO UPGRADE YOUR ATTIC INSULATION There are several signs that you may need to upgrade your attic insulation. Some of the following are good indicators, but nothing compares to full attic inspections and an insulation assessment. THE AGE OF YOUR HOME The age of your home is one indication of the…
Bathroom exhaust fans help remove moisture from your bathrooms but should never exhaust into your attic.
It’s not too late to inspect your roof. Do it before snow season begins!
CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTH 2019 September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Throughout the month, campaigns, fundraisers, research initiatives and other special events shine a spotlight on the leading cause of death among children. DID YOU KNOW? Childhood cancers take many forms, from blood disorders to various types of tumors and rare genetic diseases. Regardless…
BACK TO SCHOOL Did summer just fly by this year? It sure seems like it did. Here we are, Back to School Season. It’s a good time to reorganized and prepare for fall activities. It can also be a good time to schedule fall home maintenance tasks that are best done while the weather is…